My Foundations of Working


Did you know that your body plays a role in your mental health?

My therapeutic practice is founded on the basic principle that the body must be included in the healing process.

Why? Beyond thoughts and feelings the body holds a wealth of information about who we are, how safe we feel and what we believe to be true.

 In our work together, I may invite you to slow down to the present moment and listen to the messages your body is trying to tell you.

These messages might show up in the form of…

thoughts and feelings, impulses, movements, expressions, breath, sensation, gut instincts, images, memories, core beliefs, dissociation/brain fog etc.

These internal experiences signal to us what we are needing and offer clues as to how we can seek to fulfill these needs and find resolution in our lives.

By building a connection to our mind+body, we can learn to trust what is being revealed to us and respond accordingly from a place of deeper awareness, integrity and understanding.

The body is a great resource to support you in:

-expressing yourself more fully

- living more authentically

-feeling more embodied/whole

-listening to your intuition

-healing from pain & trauma

-building resilience and inner strength




They say relationships are the site of hurt and also the site of healing.

My work with all clients starts from the same place—connection. When we actively cultivate AND feel the benefits of a safe, caring therapeutic relationship, so much is possible. 

What shows up within our sessions is often a reflection of what can show up in your outer world and in your relationships.

Working relationally offers you the chance to learn how to:

- identify your needs

-connect with yourself, what you want and how you feel

-healthy boundary setting

- communicate with greater clarity

-feel closer with others and safe again in relationships

-examine old patterns and blocks to being in relationship

-explore how the cultures(s) and communities you belong to shape how you connect with others

- practice how you want to relate with others from a more empowered place.

*As your therapist, I am dedicated to showing up with realness, on a human to human level. I am informed by the contexts I grew up in and shaped by the experiences I have had.